Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday = Soccer Day

For James, that is. Today he was doing the team photos for BYSO, and that is seriously a hectic all-day affair! I don't envy him, I know that.. Have I mentioned how proud I am of him? He works so hard to provide for our family and I'm sure he's exhausted.. I wish I knew how to repay him for all his work. (Hooray for Pail Pardner!). She looks so much better, which was (in a way) like a little reward for James when we picked him up this afternoon. He hates a messy car, but what can I say? I have a toddler and a preschooler who demolish everything in their path - and that backseat is in their path frequently LOL But it's all cleaned up and organized now, and James couldn't be happier about it! (which pleases me) Aaaaaannnnndddd - as promised two days ago, the pictures of the ladybug set all finished (ok not completely, I added another ladybug on the S after I took the picture)..
I'll take a picture tonight of the progress I'm making on the three names I'm doing right now..
(SAM is shades of green, AVA is lavender/pink ladybugs [this seems to be a popular theme, along with sports for boys], and RYANN is just pink and girly)

James had to shoot the Library BBQ tonight, so we got free dinner - always good! They put onions in the takeout boxes, which is just nasty to me, but easily taken off.. unfortunately the whole (freshly cleaned!) car smells like onions now.. :( I hope that goes away quickly!

And I'm really excited, my friend Jennel from Raining Baby Fluff (this girl is terrific, I wub her!) is sending me a package this coming week with allllll sorts of goodies. I will definitely be posting pics when that comes! She's one of my favorite WAHMs..

Also in the "I'm excited" category, I'm recording something on the DVR for James, I think he'll really love it, so I can't wait to show him.. and already recorded, we have two episodes of Y&R so James and I get to snuggle on the couch when he gets home and veg out to the Newmans ;)

Otherwise, not much going on here today - I need to get up and clean house, but at least I took the trash to the dump this afternoon, and I washed dishes tonight. If only I could motivate myself to put them away hehe - now I'm off to fold laundry, that needs done badly! Then time for bath and bed for the kiddos (I hope!)..


1 comment:

Outlaw Photographer James Taylor said...

Nothing beats a clean car and clean kids. And your letters look fantastic! I'm a big fan of Ladybugs as well. I can't wait for someone to order a Megaman themed set.

w00t! :D