Saturday, October 18, 2008

Four days without posting.. :/

Sorry it's been so long, but most of us in the house came down with a yucky stomach bug. James (so far, knock on wood) has escaped it but both the kids and I were pretty ill.
Luckily it didn't last long, but I pretty much wrecked my spine while puking (TMI, I know.).. had to go to my mucho awesome chiropractor yesterday and get it cracked back into place, and I'm feeling a lot better today. Still stiff and sore but at least I can move. I spent two days hobbling like a 90 year old woman and in too much pain to sit and type.

So again, sorry it took so long to post anything else, but I'm back now!

Updates, let's see..

Tried on McCayla's Halloween costume last night, and OMG she was sooooo cute!
When I was little like her, my older brother Ray and I were Raggedy Ann and Andy for Halloween (my mom and Jim were too). Now that McCayla and Canon are getting about that age, I figured it was only right :)
Jennel is helping me make the last couple of pieces for Canon's costume, but for now, here's McCayla in her's! (awwwww)

What else? Oh yeah - I am very sad to say that the Animal Crackers On Parade congo is no more. :( It seems when it rains it pours. One member had to leave due to military issues, one to family issues, a few just have a lot going on around them right now.. and by the time that was all said and done, there were only a couple of us left and we decided that it would be best to close down the shop. I will miss working alongside these sweet mamas, but we do all intend to stay in touch regardless, which pleases me.
Mookie Doodle will still be contributing Breast Cancer Awareness tarts for the local fundraiser, which I'm very excited about. You guys that are local, please be sure to come out and see what we have! We'll post details very soon :D

Remember that shoot with the beautiful little 3 month old girl, Jocelyn? James has managed to get me a couple of teasers which I am just thrilled with! Yeah I know - enough blabbing, let's see the cuteness!
(a quick thanks to my friend Rebecca for making me this tutu! It's an awesome studio-tutu, and she made it exactly to my specs. I absolutely did not have the time to drag my materials back out of storage and she was kind enough to take that hassle off of my hands and I can't say how happy I am about that! I highly recommend her to anybody who wants a tutu, she's terrific. Thank you so very much Rebecca!)

I just love this little diaper - it's a Nanipoo, and it's just precious! I really want more of these wonderful diapers someday..
Isn't that a cute expression? It was our first set, she was trying to figure out who the weird lady with the camera was ;)

And here are the final pics of the Ava, Ryann, Boo, and picture frame I was working on..

One last thing for now, I added the Twitter widget to the right hand side of the page - you'll see mini-updates there every now and then, so if you don't see any recent posts here, check Twitter :) At least I can do that from my phone, even if I'm sick..


Tori said...

Dont forget M's freckles! ;)

MsBeHaven said...

You really need to find time to update your blog. I am bored and need something to read. :)