Sunday, October 5, 2008

It's Sunday now and everything's alright..

I like Sundays, sometimes. James usually has to be up at the crack of dawn to go and do Granite's bidding, but today he didn't. Hooray! (He's working very late to make up for it, but it's all worth it!)
We slept in (as much as young Master Taylor would allow), then had a nice breakfast as a family (Iced Cinnamon Twists... yummy!), and then we headed off for moving day!
No, not the house (I wish!) - the studio! We're finally able to move the studio out of the Bulletin office. Deana and Travis Lara (from McCayla's cheerleading class) are letting us rent out space in their dance studio.. hooray!
It's big, open, airy, and has high enough ceilings to accomodate the lighting. I had a shoot today, so we got to christen the new studio space LOL

The shoot today was really (really) good - I'm beyond super excited about it and can't wait to see the pictures. The little girl, Jocelyn, was just the cutest little baldy locks ever! Big ol' eyes and a smile for days.. she's 3 months old and really starting to show personality - lots of laughing and cooing. AND, the best part... she rolled over today, for the first time ever! Right there in front of me. Her parents couldn't have been more thrilled :)
I'll post pictures when James gets them to me, of course!

Not much else.. James has some kind of infection or stye or cyst or something in his eye.. he looks pitiful :( Poor guy. Bought him some eye solution and chamomile teabags today, hoping those will help clear it up - it can't be comfortable!

That's about it for today... will post pics from the shoot, and also some of the new studio space, as soon as I can!


ETA: Stacey showed me her blog, and it had the cutest little picture on there - like the stickers you see on car windows. So I had to have one of my own :)

1 comment:

Outlaw Photographer James Taylor said...

I'm super-excited about the new studio space. It really will be nice to no longer have to face unwarranted harassment over nonexistent problems in the studio. And there is just so much space! It's perfect for kids, families, anyone. :-)