Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Flying kites and kicking balls..

So I *finally* cleared my memory card and I have some really cute shots of the kids I've been meaning to post.. then some from today that were cute too :) Lots of pics tonight!!

Kite Flying at Mansfield Park

ZOO BOO at the San Antonio Zoo (10-30-08)
The kids had a great time, they got to play games and Trick-or-Treat throughout the zoo (along with about a billion other kids! Yeesh!) - Canon was fascinated by all the goings-on, since it was new to him.

(Canon playing mini-golf)
(McCayla playing fling the frog)
(Both kids playing musical chairs - he's covered in lollipop-drool!)

Letter order I recently finished - cute sports theme for the precious little Tristan.

And then today, James and I took the kids to the youth soccer field with a little ball to run around and burn off some energy - and boy, did they run! Just a few (okay *quite* a few!) of my favorites..

And finally, last thing for today - a lot of people keep asking me how my two kids both fit in their carseats. Many of you who know me personally know that they are both still rear-facing. That's right - one year and twenty pounds? Are you kidding me!? NOPE. My daughter is 4.5 years old and just hit 34 pounds. Her seat rear faces to 33lb so I need to turn her around, finally. (I'm upset about this) My son is 22 months old and almost 30 pounds. He has the same kind of carseat. So the universal question is, how do children of this size FIT rearfacing? Isn't it uncomfortable? Aren't they cramped? They can't be happy like that, can they!?
The answer? NO they're not uncomfortable. NO they're not cramped. YES they can be happy like this! Want proof??

(Those are some happy kids, there!)

McCayla sits cross-legged and is happy as a clam. Canon puts his feet on the back seat and doesn't complain one bit! We are SO very proud and happy to be an extended-rear-facing family! Hopefully more people will follow suit - especially those who didn't think it was possible to do it this long! :)

As always, thanks for reading - more to come as I'm able :)

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