Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Miscellaneous Updates and a fun contest!

Contest first!
My friend Holly's company was reviewed on MySentiment Exact Lee - and how cool is that!??! She makes pendants using breastmilk, preserved in a resin bead. I know some of you think "okay, that's a bit nuts" but as a mother who breastfed my children, I think it's beautiful. Making human milk is a special gift, and once your children are older and that gift is gone.. well, you have nothing left but memories of special bonding moments with your babies. Her pendants are a great way to hold on to a bit of that :) And MySentiment Exact Lee is having a giveaway - just post a comment to be entered, but it ends tonight at midnight! So act fast :) Holly has graciously offered to give one lucky winner their very own pendant! I entered - will you?


and I'll be back later with more updates - Canon has a doctor's appointment today for a weird rash and stuff so I need to go get him a bath and get the diapers folded :)

1 comment:

Cloudy said...

I gave you an award!! Come check it out!!
